This is your moment.
Are you going to capture it? Or let it slip?

Red Pill or Blue Pill?
Red Pill: you subscribe and gain daily Finance Alpha.
Blue Pill: you push "X" and remain a coward.
What is "Fucked Finance"?
Alright look man...👀
- This shit ain’t a newsletter. “Oh sign up to my newsletter, stay updated!!”… The fuck?
- Newsletters are categorically gay. Nobody wants that shit.
- This, my friend, is more like a bible.
- An opportunity for you to learn, laugh and BECOME FUCKING RICH.
On Mondays we drop — “Monday Market Open”
What to expect this week in the market. What the billionaires are buying. And of course, what stocks have me erect like I’m 15 in Ms. Bubblebut's gym class. Ah… good times.
On Tuesdays we drop — “Stock Tip Tuesday”
Trouble finding stocks? Say less, we got you. One stock, one ticker & brief analysis on why we think it's gonna fucking moon.
Wednesdays? That’s “Weekly Lesson Wednesday” baby.
No matter how smart you are or how dumb you are, the learning never stops, so every Wednesday we're gonna bless you with a quick 5-minute lesson, whether it's on an options strategy, TA, FA, Sex, Business, you get it. Alpha Shit.
Thursdays Well, we’re over halfway thru the week right? Time for — “The Shit To Know"
How do you expect to become a filthy rich genius if you don’t know shit? That’s why on Thursday, we keep you sharp between the ears. Head on a swivel. On top of everything like you’re in missionary with Margot. Ok maybe it’s not that good but you get what I’m saying.
We call this weekly publication: Fucked Finance.
The only emails you'll ever need.
See you in the inbox.
Don’t buy it? Check it out for yourself. See our full publication here...