
Missed Lithium ? What's Next ?

Missed Lithium ? What's Next ?
Written by
Dawson Ignatieff
Dawson Ignatieff
Published on
February 28, 2023
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 min read

Missed the lithium boom? Wondering what may be the next hot commodity or sector. It’s a thought I am sure we all have. Could it be AI, Aerospace? There are a ton of new emerging sectors however, I remain a firm believer in clean energy & new technology to combat emissions. Regardless if you think green energy is a hoax, as of last year there have been over 1 trillion dollars invested in this revolution and something about it gets investors horny. Beneficial or not, there is a fortune to be made and I am here to capitalize. Since EV’S and battery metals have seen astronomical attention in the past few years and remain at some absurd valuations. In the next few paragraphs, I am going to go over a new clean energy source that I believe could take off over the next few years.

There’s been tons of chatter revolving around hydrogen as the potential next-gen energy source. It is a 100% clean-burning fuel that produces only water when it is burned, making it the optimal alternative to traditional methods. Hydrogen actually the most abundant element in the universe, but it does not occur naturally as a fuel on Earth. There are a few ways hydrogen occurs one, is a process called electrolysis, which involves splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using an electric current. Second, hydrogen can be extracted from natural gas or other fossil fuels through a process called steam reforming, though this method is counteractive because, during the production phase, it releases nasty emissions. But, there is one method of hydrogen production that gets me excited, it could revolutionize energy as we know it. Biophotolysis, is the production of hydrogen from microalgae, sun, water, and Co2. The process is 100% clean and researched by some of the world's most highly renowned universities and labs. Alright, enough of this nerdy shit. Why hydrogen, and what does it even do? 

One of the main advantages of hydrogen as an energy source is that it can be stored and transported with ease. It can be compressed or liquefied for storage and transported via pipelines, trucks, or ships. Making it a versatile, 100% emission-free fuel that could be used for a wide range of uses, including transportation, power generation, and heating. 

How do we generate energy from hydrogen? Hydrogen fuel cells. Hydrogen fuel cells use hydrogen to produce electricity through a chemical reaction. Fuel cells are highly efficient, with conversion efficiencies of up to 60%, and they produce only water and heat as byproducts. Hyundai & Toyota have already created Fuel Cell powered cars. Why is nobody talking about it? Because big it will fuck over big oil & gas and disturb many industries. However, we heard the same thing with EVs, and look where we are today. The value of hydrogen fuel cells are too large to be ignored forever.  Additional to Cars, hydrogen can also be used to generate electricity for the power grid. When hydrogen is burned in a gas turbine, it produces heat that can be used to generate electricity. This could be particularly useful in areas with a high penetration of renewable energy sources, where hydrogen could be used as a backup power source during periods of low wind or solar power production. 

Despite its potential, hydrogen faces a few challenges as an energy source. One of the main challenges is the cost of production, which is currently higher than that of fossil fuels. However, as research advances, new technology is formed, and it is only a matter of time before the economics are proven.  

Another challenge is the lack of infrastructure for hydrogen production, storage, and distribution. While some countries, such as Japan and Germany, have invested heavily in hydrogen infrastructure, much of the world still lacks the necessary infrastructure to support the transition to hydrogen as an energy source.

In conclusion, hydrogen has the potential to be a major energy source in the future and checks all the boxes for a clean energy source. With applications in transportation, power generation, and heating, hydrogen may just be the answer. While there are still challenges to be addressed, technological advancements and increased investment in hydrogen infrastructure could help us create a future fueled by hydrogen. In my opinion, its value will prevail. So if you are looking to invest in the next hot sector, you are here early. Hydrogen may just be the answer we are all looking for.  

Some Hydrogen tickers to watch. TSX:BLDP , XBC.TO , TSX:LPEN , NASDAQ:PLUG ,NYSE:NEE, OTC: HYSR. 

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